The SEIMA Annual General Meeting will take place in person on October 26th at the Willows Golf Club in Saskatoon, SK. Sign-in and networking will begin at 11:00 am, with the AGM starting promptly at 11:30 am. In conjunction with the AGM, the event will include designated networking time, a hot lunch provided by the Willows, and a technical session from the Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment.
We are excited to welcome Brian Cowan, Lead Environmental Protection Officer from the Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment, to provide the following technical session and brief Q&A: Qualified Persons – Roles, Responsibilities, and Expectations Qualified Persons play an important part in protecting Saskatchewan’s environment. Since the introduction of the Saskatchewan Environmental Code in 2015, qualified persons have been responsible for ensuring results-based objectives are achieved. They play a crucial role in ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements. The ministry would like to take this opportunity to discuss the roles, responsibilities, and expectations of qualified persons. Registration for the event is $30 and all attendees must be registered by the October 19, 2023 deadline. Please be advised full registration is required to attend the Ministry session (i.e., AGM, lunch, and technical session). Please note, that there will be no registration fee for those interested in attending the AGM only and are unable to stay for the remainder of the program. We are looking forward to hosting our first in-person AGM since 2019!