The Ministry of Environment updated the Saskatchewan Environmental Quality Guidelines (SEQG) values and website. The ministry is advising stakeholders in advance of publication of the new website and updated SEQG database, which will be accessible on the government’s saskatchewan.ca website. The new website and updated SEQG database are available at the link below.
Key elements of the ministry’s strategic plan are to provide safe communities and a healthy environment, as well as a knowledgeable, compliant, and engaged regulated community. A component of this is a publicly accessible database on environmental benchmarks for all stakeholders, including qualified persons and the public, specifically the SEQG.
Updates to the SEQG database include a new online platform to access and download SEQG values in Microsoft Excel or Adobe PDF formats and updated SEQG values based on the most recent information. Sources of SEQG values include:
Government of Alberta;
Canadian Council of Ministers of Environment (CCME);
Federal Contaminated Sites Action Plan (FCSAP); and
Health Canada
If you would like to provide feedback or need further information, please contact the Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment Client Service Office at 1‐800‐567‐4224 (toll‐free in North America) or 306‐787‐2584, or by email at Centre.Inquiry@gov.sk.ca.