You are invited to attend a Qualified Person education session presented by the Ministry of Environment's Environmental Protection Branch.
The virtual session is planned for March 7, 2024, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Please register by emailing A meeting invite will be sent to you for the session. There is no charge for the session.
The purpose of the session is to promote information sharing from the ministry to the qualified persons completing or submitting work for proponents regulated under:
The Environmental Protection and Management Act, 2010;
The Environmental Management and Protection General Regulations; and
The Saskatchewan Environmental Code – Impacted Sites chapters, Industrial Source Air Quality chapter, and the Transfer Station chapter.
Presentations will be targeted for both the inexperienced QP and the experienced QP.
Topics include:
The Role of a Qualified Person in Results-Based Regulation
How to Become a Qualified Person – Certification Requirements
Ministry Expectations of Qualified Persons
Guidance – Common issues with Submissions
QP Compliance
Use of Environment’s Portal
What’s New?
Please email or phone 306-787-6189 if you have questions.
Thank you, and I hope you can attend.